Marta Morientes
Marta Morientes
Marta Morientes is a Spanish advertising creative and visual artist based in London.
When she is not coming up with ideas for different clients at advertising agency Mediamonks, Marta is exploring her visual style through the medium of painting in her studio in North London.
While she’s always loved painting (she sold her first artwork at the age of 9), it was only when the pandemic started that she picked up the paintbrush again and found her own unique style: simple, almost crude but full of expression nonetheless, bold and colourful.
Since then, she’s completed three collections ‘It’s Summer Baby’, ‘Sell or die’, ‘People in museums looking at art’ and is now working on her 4th collection, ‘Affirmations’. She has been featured in renowned magazines like It’s Nice That, Print Mag and Neo2 and has been part of virtual exhibitions organised by Shrine NYC (New York) and Good Mother Gallery (San Francisco). Last year, she self-published (and sold-out) her first book ‘People in museums looking at art’. Marta has always found humour in the mundane and loves exaggerating it with glamorous, almost theatrical, irony in her art.
Mehr über Marta Morientes auf Instagram.